Cancer Centers and Oncology Locations
At Baptist Health, our comprehensive cancer centers are located across multiple locations, making it easier for you to find the expert care you need. With a "cancer center near me," you can trust that compassionate, advanced treatment is always within reach. Let our experienced teams at our cancer centers provide personalized care to support you every step of the way.
Louisville, KY | Lexington, KY | Paducah, KY | Richmond, KY | New Albany, IN | Corbin, KY
Elizabethtown, KY | La Grange, KY
Cancer Care Services
Baptist Health brings you world-class cancer care, right here in your corner of the world. Here, you have access to the latest advancements in diagnostics and treatments — including clinical trials — delivered with skill and compassion by experienced cancer specialists.

Cancer Screenings and Diagnostics
In order to diagnose and treat common cancer care conditions, screenings and radiologic tests are often used. These screenings include imaging and diagnostic testing to guide during surgery or locate and monitor a mass.
HRAs, mammogram screenings, breast MRIs, etc.
Health Support Services
When you’re battling cancer, it’s important to keep your body as healthy and strong as possible. That means taking care of your physical and mental health through diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We’re here to help, with health support services to meet your exact needs.
Clinical Trials and Research
Research is an essential scientific tool to evaluate the latest and most advanced therapies and diagnostic methods. Clinical trials conducted within Baptist Health hospitals play a significant role in the development of new or improved opportunities to diagnose, treat or prevent diseases and conditions.
Treatments and Procedures
Cancers are unique. That’s why we work to provide individualized cancer treatment plans for each of our patients. We consider your overall health as well as your type, grade and stage of cancer. Then we carefully consider all treatment options and develop a personalized care plan to treat the cancer, manage side effects and help you maintain energy and health during treatment. This comprehensive approach to care aligns integrative therapies with these conventional treatments.