Mother and Baby

Mother & Baby Care

In 2023, Kosair for Kids pledged to donate $5 million to support our Mother & Baby Care services throughout Kentucky and southern Indiana. This investment will provide additional equipment and resources to enhance initiatives that improve the care of newborns and children at Baptist Health.

You deserve a beautiful birth experience. Baptist Health Maternity Care has a passion for helping moms live out the positive labor and delivery experience they imagine. Across eight locations in Kentucky and southern Indiana, each of our facilities offers unique innovations that help the families in our care realize that reality.

One thing stays the same no matter where you find yourself in Baptist Health: Our team is committed to providing a high level of patient-centered care before, during and after your baby is born.

Baptist Health Maternity Care: Why Choose Us?

The Baptist Health team is unified in providing compassionate care. When you and your family choose Baptist Health for maternity care, you benefit from our:

  • Focus on moms and babies: We support your goals and needs at every point — from the moment you first consider becoming a mom until after your baby’s birth. We stay by your side to offer the support and resources you need during this special time. 
  • Trusted care team: Our expert team is dedicated to caring for moms-to-be, new moms, and their babies. Many of the area’s outstanding obstetricians deliver babies at Baptist. Many members of our team have received extra training in obstetrics and newborn care. Our knowledgeable certified lactation consultants and nurses offer breastfeeding guidance at every Baptist location.
  • Care innovations: Baptist hospitals feature unique innovations to make your stay with us more comfortable. For example, our Floyd and Louisville locations are some of the only hospitals in the region to offer nitrous oxide as a pain management option for laboring patients who desire an alternative to an epidural. 
  • Advanced NICU care: If your baby requires special attention after delivery, many of our locations provide on-site neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), where a team of specialists provide care. If a baby needs extra monitoring, we work closely with nearby hospitals to ensure a quick and seamless care transition.
  • Wide-ranging childbirth classes: We offer many educational classes to help moms-to-be and families prepare for their new arrival. In addition to childbirth prep classes, some locations offer advice on how to help siblings, dads and grandparents adjust to a new addition to the family. Learn more about our classes and education.
  • Research-based practices: We follow the science of what’s best for moms and babies. For example, we promote skin-to-skin contact for babies and their families and delay your baby’s first bath for the multiple benefits these practices offer.
  • Small communities, big care: Each of our locations has a special connection to its community. We’ve been here for several decades — and many of our staff have been with us just as long — and we treat every patient like family.

Baptist’s Patient-Centered Maternity Care Focuses on You

Baptist Health genuinely cares about the patient experience, and you’ll feel it. Our patient-centered approach to maternity care means we:

  • Support you in every way: Our nurses are committed to helping moms and babies get off to the best start possible. We support your birth goals, whether that means helping you work through labor naturally or adapting to your changing wishes. Our experienced lactation consultants are always available to assist new moms who wish to breastfeed.
  • Prioritize mom and baby bonding: We practice kangaroo care, which means we support skin-to-skin contact as soon as possible after birth. Because we delay baby’s first bath, moms get more bonding time right after delivery. Often, that means new parents can participate in the precious moments of your baby’s very first bath time.
  • Care about your comfort: Our private rooms accommodate both parents and newborns so babies can stay with their moms as much as possible. Extra face time with baby early on helps you connect and can also aid breastfeeding efforts.

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♪ [music] . ♪ - [Noel]

Our NICU here at Baptist Health Floyd is a Level 2 neonatal intensive care unit that differs from a newborn nursery. A newborn nursery is pretty much what it says, it's a well newborn that's able to stay here at the hospital and room in in couplet care with their mom. Some medical conditions that might send a baby to the NICU here at Floyd are respiratory distress, sepsis. Sometimes, babies will have high bilirubins, or otherwise known as jaundice, and prematurity.

- [Catherine]

Our Level 2 NICU, we're able to care for babies that are 32 weeks gestation and greater, 1500 grams and greater, and babies that generally don't need a ventilator for longer than 24 hours. Anything beyond some phototherapy and some low blood sugar management typically ends up coming for us to manage and watch in the NICU.

- We Have the ability to closely monitor our infants. In addition, we have warmers that are for our more term babies, and then we also have incubators for our babies that are born below 34 weeks.

- I think it's very important to have a NICU at Baptist Health Floyd. Our patients had previously had to drive to Louisville for the NICU, and while it seems like a short drive, for our families, that's a very long trip. So, just having this here for our families is very important.

♪ [music]

A Testimonial for Maternity Care

At Baptist Health, we're dedicated to making your pregnancy and delivery a truly joyful experience.