Paducah Surgical Services
50 surgeons offer 15 specialties
Approximately 200 people per week have surgery at Baptist Health Paducah. About three-fourths of them go home the same day.
- Approximately 50 physicians perform procedures in these specialties: bariatric, cardiothoracic, gastroenterology, general, neurosurgery, OB/GYN, ophthalmology, oral-maxillofacial, orthopedic, otolaryngology, plastic-reconstructive, podiatric, thoracic, urology and vascular.
- Da Vinci robotic surgery, only in the area since 2008, offers minimally invasive smaller incisions, a shorter hospital stay, and quicker recovery for hysterectomies, prostate surgery, oral cancer, pelvic prolapse, kidney and gall bladder surgery.
- Baptist Health Paducah offers the only bariatric surgery in area, started in 2015.
- We offer the only Center of Excellence in minimally invasive gynecology.
- The Brainlab cranial surgery navigation system was part of a $4 million upgrade in 2015. The system guides the surgeon to the tiniest tumors, sparing other healthy brain tissue.
- A $17 million surgical expansion/renovation 2011-2014 included a new da Vinci suite, hybrid suite and two open-heart rooms; renovation of 11 existing suites and outpatient surgery; and a new family waiting room.
- The new family waiting room is designed to provide more comfort and privacy to families waiting for their loved ones in surgery. The 3,660-square-foot waiting room seats more than 85 people with two private consultation rooms, pod seating for family privacy, two pods with TVs, a coffee bar and restrooms. A grand staircase connects the main lobby to the second-floor waiting room. The room features many local art works, including a mural by Kijsa Housman depicting several generations of the hospital’s growth.
- NorthStar provides anesthesia services, featuring four MDs and 23 CRNAs, with a combined 250 years’ experience.