Support Groups

Bariatric care at Baptist Health includes regular follow-up visits and support to keep your weight loss on track. However, it’s what you do between visits that can have the biggest impact on your success. Taking care of yourself requires changing the way you look at food and live your life - changes that do not come easy to most people. 

Weight loss support groups are a special place where you can talk with our experts and fellow patients about the ups and downs of your weight loss journey. Here you will find a caring ear, expert recommendations and inspiration from people who truly understand what you are going through after bariatric surgery. 

Weight Loss Support Groups at Baptist Health

Weight loss surgery can offer a fresh start when you are struggling to get to a healthy weight. Support group meetings help you get the most out of bariatric surgery by teaching you how to adopt healthy habits and overcome challenges. Highlights of our support groups include: 

  • A warm, caring environment: It’s natural to feel nervous about support group meetings, but this feeling is only temporary. We take time to help new members feel welcomed. In no time, you’ll feel comfortable sharing your experiences. You’ll also hear from fellow patients who are experiencing some of the same challenges you are. 
  • Expert-lead weight loss discussions: At every meeting, our experts lead a discussion on a weight loss topic. These topics can include goal setting, portion control or how to handle days where things didn’t go as planned.
  • Building a support network: One of the best parts of support group meetings are the connections you make with your fellow patients. Knowing you are not alone can make a big difference in helping you stick to your new lifestyle during difficult times. 
  • Results: Patients who come to our support groups consistently lose weight and keep it off. In fact, patients who attend a support group have better weight loss results than those who don’t, according to Obesity Surgery, a research journal for bariatric surgeons. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our patients regain their well-being.

Specialized Support After Weight Loss Surgery

At our weight loss support groups, you will receive specialized support as you continue to navigate through the changes post weight loss surgery. In order to reach your goals, we recommend:

  • Attending discussions as often as possible: Once you start losing weight, you may find that your life is busier than ever. You will have more energy for hobbies and spending time with loved ones. Making the time for a support group gives you extra tools and knowledge that will come in handy when you experience challenges. 
  • Openly without judgment: If you are experiencing setbacks, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed. People who come to a support group are all there to give and receive support. Together we find ways to help you move forward.
  • Connect with others who are also experiencing weight loss challenges: Many patients who come to a support group are struggling with the same challenges you are. Hearing from others who are experiencing or have overcome the same struggles offers a fresh perspective that can pull you through a difficult time. 
  • Stay motivated even if your weight loss is on track: When you are achieving your goals, you may feel as if you don’t need any help. The truth is, it’s not always going to be so easy. Connecting with other patients, building your support network and having access to weight loss experts can help you stay motivated when you experience a setback. 

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