Information Seminars

If the idea of weight loss surgery makes you nervous, you are not alone. 

At Baptist Health, many of our patients have been thinking about bariatric surgery for years. Attending one of our information seminars can help you learn more about our program so you can move forward with confidence. 

Many patients who attend our seminars remark that the level of information we provide is not available through other programs. During our seminars, you hear directly from our surgeons and care team about everything it takes to achieve weight loss surgery success. 

We talk about lifestyle changes, how the procedures work and how you may feel after surgery. We leave no question unanswered. 

After just one meeting, many patients decide to move forward with bariatric surgery at Baptist Health. 

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What to Expect at Our Weight Loss Information Seminars

Information seminars give you an opportunity to learn about our team, the treatments we offer and how bariatric surgery at Baptist Health can change your life. You can expect to receive:

  • An introduction to our program and team: You will hear from members of our team including our surgeon and a nurse practitioner or dietitian. 
  • Information about obesity and how surgery can help: We explain how being overweight affects your overall health and raises your risk for other medical conditions, like diabetes and heart disease. We also talk about how surgical treatments can help you lose weight and improve your quality of life. Find out more about the conditions we treat. 
  • Explanations of the treatments we offer: Our goal is to help you understand all of your potential treatment options as well as each procedure’s potential risks and benefits. Find out more about the treatments we offer
  • The opportunity to hear from our patients: One of our patients is usually available at every seminar. They will tell you all about their journey, including why they chose Baptist Health, what it is like working with our team and how their life has changed since weight loss surgery. Read our patient success stories
  • How we help you prepare for surgery: We tell you about medical tests as well as any other requirements you may need to meet before having surgery. For example, your insurance may require a heart screening or that you try losing weight with the help of our experts (medically supervised diet). Learn more about what to expect
  • Information about life after surgery: You learn what to expect while recovering from surgery, such as how long you’ll need to stay home from work and the importance of following our diet recommendations. We discuss the changes you need to make in order to get the most out of surgery, such as eating smaller portions and exercising, and how we help you overcome challenges. Find out more about education and support
  • How to move forward: If you decide to move forward with weight loss surgery, we let you know how to proceed. One of the first steps includes providing us with information about yourself by completing a patient packet: