March 04, 2025

Importance of Primary Care in New Albany, IN

Kathleen Book PAC Floyd
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It's important to have a primary care provider because we can detect diseases early on, we can incorporate screenings based on family health history and help prevent things from worsening before they're caught too late. With primary care, you're able to develop rapport. You can have a relationship. We get to know you, and we look at you as a whole, we can manage things long term.

Family medicine encompasses a wide variety, including orthopedics, endocrinology such as diabetes, heart conditions such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, screening for lung cancer, So we cover a wide variety. Annual physicals are really important because we can see how health is trending for you over the years and see, you know, is there something we need to address, things that we need to stay on top of screenings for that come around certain ages. It's really nice being connected to Baptist because we're able to refer to specialists and ideally it doesn't take long to get into them because you're within the same network.

It's also nice because they already have access to your charts, they're aware of your medical conditions, and your health history.

So it's important to have an office located kind of in a rural community, so it just gives easier access to patients. A lot of patients worry about driving to the city, so I have in this office in the outskirts of Floyd County just gives them that convenience.
Importance of Primary Care in New Albany, IN Healthtalk Transcript

Kathleen Book, PA-C, Family Medicine
Baptist Health Floyd

Kathleen Book, PA-C:

It is important to have a primary care provider because we can detect diseases early on. We can incorporate screenings based on family health history and help prevent things from worsening before they're caught too late.

With primary care, you're able to develop rapport. You can have a relationship. We get to know you and we look at you as a whole. We can manage things long term. Family medicine encompasses a wide variety, including orthopedics; endocrinology, such as diabetes; heart conditions, such as hypertension or coronary artery disease; and screening for lung cancer.

Annual physicals are really important. We can see how health is trending for you over the years, see if there is something we need to address, things that we need to stay on top of, or screenings around certain ages.

It's really nice being connected to Baptist because we're able to refer to specialists. Ideally, it doesn't take long to get into them because you're within the same network. It's also nice because they already have access to your charts. They're aware of your medical conditions and your health history.

It's important to have an office located in a rural community. It gives easier access to patients. A lot of patients worry about driving to the city, so having this office on the outskirts of Floyd County gives them that convenience.

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