Primary Care in Henry County

Joe Alfeghaly, MD, Family Medicine
Henry County, Baptist Health
Joe Alfeghaly, MD:
Primary care is the first point of contact when it comes to your healthcare. You are first seen by a physician who gets to see you frequently, knows you well, and sees you in the long run. This physician will also explain your diseases to you as they treat them. Think of it as the quarterback on the team who takes care of you and helps coordinate your care with other doctors.
During your visit here, we will talk about routine tests that we can do to help prevent many diseases from happening, such as colorectal cancer, lung cancer, diabetes, and strokes. All of these, if they are caught early on, can be prevented.
Family history can be crucial and can help us know where to go, what path to take. If you have a certain disease or if a family member has a certain disease, it can help guide us through the line of diagnosis and even treatment, if needed.
A lot of patients we see in Henry County say to us that they’ve never seen a doctor before, or they last saw a doctor around 20 to 30 years ago. These patients got diagnosed with diseases that could have been prevented or controlled early on.
Now that we are available here, we have an accessible clinic to help care for all patients here in Henry County.