Kris Abeln, MD

Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Surgery
Gender: Male
4.7 of 5 (224 Ratings)
Accepting New Patients

Clinical Focus

Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Sports Medicine, Platelet rich plasma injections, Shoulder

Practice Locations


Medical School

University of Louisville School of Medicine

Board Certifications

Orthopaedic Surgery

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

Hospital Affiliations

  • Baptist Health Medical Group
  • Baptist Health Floyd

Philosophy of Care

Baptist Health Medical Group is a comprehensive, multispecialty network of physicians and advanced practice clinicians. Our providers are committed to providing compassionate, patient-centered care and strive to treat our patients the way we would want to be treated, every time, at every Baptist Health location.

About Kris Abeln


Patient Experience Ratings

The Patient Satisfaction Rating is an average of all responses to the care provider related questions shown below from our survey. Patients that are treated in outpatient or hospital environments may receive different surveys, and the volume of responses will vary by question.

Overall Rating
4.7 out of 5 (224 Ratings)
Review Categories
Patient Comments
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- [JoAnn]

Jim and I have met in high school, so we're, you know, high school sweethearts. We have one son, and he has one son, and that's Shane, our, you know, little joy, and keeps us on our toes. I have a lot of trouble with arthritis, and not just in my shoulders but pretty much everywhere. I started having pain in my shoulders probably three to four or five years ago, and then, it started getting worse.

I had cortisone shots several times. And that would help for a while but then eventually, that got where that did nothing. I had bone-on-bone due to the arthritis, and so, that was causing really immense pain. It's unlike pain that I've ever had before.

We learned about a seminar that Dr. Abeln's office was having. I wasn't even aware that they had shoulder replacement surgery.

- [Dr. Abeln]

You know, as opposed to some of our athletic injuries, arthritis tends to be more insidious. You know, you kind of notice it gradually over time. But it can become as debilitating as some of these acute fractures and other injuries. She was having trouble with night pain, and moving, and taking care of things around the house, and cooking, and just things she really, really enjoyed.

So losing those things can take a toll emotionally too.

- It was miserable. And I didn't realize how much it had affected my personality too. I've really had kind of felt like I was becoming worthless because you weren't able to contribute anything.

- Oddly enough, the ones that really have the worst shoulders to start with are often the ones that notice the biggest difference. Because, you know, a shoulder that was in a bad shape from a bad soft tissue injury, or from arthritis where bone was growing on bone, they are in so much pain that relieving that from a surgery, even though it involves an invasive procedure, they can notice almost instantaneous relief. And that was the case with JoAnn.

- When I woke up, and I had my left shoulder done first, and there was no pain from that moment on. In fact, when I went back for my six weeks check-up on my left arm, my first question was, "When can we do this one?"

- [Jim]

To be honest, she wasn't much fun to be around, and then she is now. I mean, that's one of the great things about that, she really kind of changed completely. And almost overnight, after her shoulder surgery. So, I guess the pain was so much better.

- Our first goal of these types of surgeries is to relieve pain. And, joint replacements, whether it's the hip, the knee, or the shoulder, are tremendous pain-relieving operations which is just, in itself, a great benefit. But, then they get patients moving, whether it's, you know, out playing golf, or playing with her grandkids was her... you know, came with every visit with her. These are things that keep us happy and, you know, human beings should move, they should be happy.

We've seen it last year when, you know, we weren't able to do all these things that connected us to our family, what that did to us, you know, as a society. And, you know, these types of things that we're able to do with these surgeries, that's what we're trying to get back, quality of life. And it's great to be able to offer that here at Baptist.

- My heart is just overflowing to be able to do something as simple as playing in the dirt with my grandson. That was just amazing. He goes, "Oh yeah, my ba can do this now. Her shoulders are fixed."

I would definitely recommend Dr. Abeln's group, and I have recommended them. It's life-changing. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't wait, and that's what I've told other people.

Don't live in pain, go have something done, because they can fix you." I told them, "I'm going to be a bionic woman by the time I'm done." ♪ [music]

Baptist Health Floyd Orthopedics patient - JoAnn Bower

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♪ - [Jordan]

I've always really played the same position my entire life just because I've always been on the small side. But I feel like it's helped me become a leader, just showing people that, like, no matter...

Even fourth quarter down by four touchdowns, anything is possible. Just keep your head up and keep pushing.

- [Irea]

Football's everything to him. It's in his heart, and it's in his soul. And his dream is to play football. So it always has been.

So to even see that maybe possibly not even be in his reach was hard. Jordan's struggles with his shoulder began his junior year, and he was at a football game. He got hit and injured in that football game. He didn't tell any of us at first that he was injured because he wanted to finish the season, so no one was aware that he had the injury.

- I mean, I really couldn't do anything. I'd say I probably had, like, 30% range of motion, and then, like, I would go to sleep. I would wake up, it would hurt. I would open my door to get in the shower, it would hurt.

I wasn't nervous but it was just more something that I tried to block out for as long as I could. Kallee's my athlete trainer.

- She's done a lot more than that for Jordan to be honest with you. She's really God-sent. And she is the saving grace that sent us to Dr. Abeln.

- [Kallee]

It's the senior season, and it was really important to him. He's looking to get some college offers. So he and I just, kind of, made a deal that, "Hey, I may pull you out for some practices. Hey, you know, we're up by 30%, I'm going to pull you out and not let you play anymore."

And so once we did that, we were able to kind of get him through the season. And then right afterwards, I talked to his mom and said, "Hey, look, we got to get him in with Dr. Abeln," and she said, "I don't know. His previous surgery didn't go very well."

And I was like, "Look, Dr. Abeln did one of my surgeries. He's great. I trust him."

- [Dr. Abeln]

Yeah, Jordan, unfortunately, had some issues with some healing of a labrum tear and there was some questionable debris in the shoulder that can happen both with an injury, sometimes after surgeries where you can have loose pieces of either hardware that's put in or tissues in the shoulder that haven't healed right. So we saw both of those, unfortunately.

- And he shows us the MRIs, which blew me away. You could see bone fragments that the other doctor had left. Dr. Abeln was very compassionate.

He was compassionate to the fact that we were both scared, and he was so comforting. He talked to us in terms that we could understand. He didn't talk over our head, which was awesome. So I left out of there feeling confident.

- Dr. Abeln's great. I mean, I feel like he was being [inaudible]

and really honest with me about, like, what would happen if I didn't have the surgery, what would happen if I have it, and I feel like that made my decision way easier.

- Dr. Abeln said, "Well, I can assure you that I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that you heal right, that the surgery's done right, and that you get back to playing football." And I said, "I know you are because God already told me you were and I already prayed of you." And he said, "Thank you."

- Patients come to us with fears but also strengths. And if your faith is a strength, they can kind of help you in this. I want to encourage that, because, you know, I try and be optimistic and provide, you know, goals and things that we're going to do well. But if there's another source of strength whether it's family or faith, then we have to encourage that.

- Going into surgery, I didn't know what the outcome would be and I couldn't be any more happy with the outcome that I've got.

- We got to move as human beings, and that's key to any recovery. Whether it's from an arthritis injury or a sports injury or a fracture injury, we're designed to move and so we have to incorporate that within reason to be who we are. For Jordan, I mean, he had goals to get back on the field and keep playing and get his shoulder healthy so that he could do the things he needed to do as an athlete, stay healthy, and get back in the game, and keep playing.

- I see my future of me going to college, playing football, and then I want to become an athletic trainer. And then my plan is to go to the NFL. To see something that you've worked so hard for actually come true, it's an amazing feeling.

- We've changed our healthcare. The whole family now is under Baptist Health. If I have to go to a hospital, it will be Baptist Health. The pain is gone.

Like, he has zero pain. I think Dr. Abeln saved his future. He saved his future.

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Baptist Health Floyd Orthopedics patient - Jordan Ferguson