May 21, 2021

Shoulder Replacement Surgery in New Albany, Indiana

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♪ [music] ♪

- [Woman] My condition was that
I couldn't use either arm.

My left arm was worse than my right arm,
and so I went to see Dr. Abeln,

and he did the x-rays and said the only thing left to
do, because I had tried everything else,

was to have the total replacement surgery.

- [Dr. Abeln] [inaudible] had been a patient of mine
for a long time and initially was one of those patients

who kind of thought it wasn't that bad
and we managed with some other ways.

And then eventually she just had had enough.

Shoulder replacement surgery
is probably in its third or fourth decade.

Newer technologies like reverse total shoulder
arthroplasty are somewhat newer.

I think a lot of the advancements are from
perioperative pain control,

helping patients be more comfortable,
minimize the blood lost during surgery.

The implants have gone through some refinements
so that offers a lot of patients who would not have

been candidates before to be able
to have a successful surgery.

- I had no pain after the surgery, had the home health,
and went to physical therapy for about 3 or 4 weeks.

And my range of motion is back almost to normal.

I can now play with my grandson.

He's the joy of my life.

I can lift him and play outside with him.

I just feel really blessed and I'm just very grateful
to Dr. Abeln for what he's been able to do for me.

♪ [music] ♪

Baptist Health Floyd: Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty is a shoulder replacement procedure using newer technologies. Learn more about shoulder replacement surgery from Baptist Health.

Shoulder Replacement Surgery HealthTalks Transcript

Joann Bower, New Washington, Indiana:
My condition was that I couldn’t use either arm. My left arm was worse than my right arm. I went to see Dr. Abeln. He did the X-rays and said the only thing left to do, because I had tried everything else, was to have the total replacement surgery.

Kristopher Abeln, MD, Orthopedic Surgery:
Joann had been a patient of mine for a long time and initially was one of those patients who thought it wasn’t that bad, and we managed with some other ways. Then, eventually, she just had enough.

Shoulder replacement surgery is probably in its third or fourth decade. Technologies, like reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, are somewhat newer. I think a lot of the advancements are from perioperative pain control, helping patients be more comfortable, and minimizing their blood loss during surgery. The implants have gone through some refinements that offer patients who would not have been candidates before to be able to have a successful surgery.

I had no pain after the surgery, had the home health, and went to physical therapy for about three or four weeks. My range of motion is back, almost to normal. I can now play with my grandson. He’s the joy of my life. I can lift him and play outside with him. I just feel really blessed. I’m just very grateful to Dr. Abeln for what he’s been able to do for me.

Next Steps and Useful Resources:

Find an Orthopedic Provider Near You
[PODCAST] Don’t Shrug Off Shoulder and Elbow Pain
8 Benefits of Physical Therapy: Is It Right for Me?
What Are The Most Common Shoulder Injuries?

Learn More.
