System-wide Infection Goals
Keeping Patients Safe through Decreasing Hospital-Acquired Infections
Compassionate Care through Infection Prevention
Baptist Health is focused on decreasing two infections common to healthcare settings as part of our commitment to patient-centered, compassionate care. These infections are catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) and Clostridium difficile (C-Diff), a diarrhea-causing bacteria of the colon.
Addressing CAUTI and C-Diff
Baptist Health is making significant progress in reducing the incidence of CAUTI and C-Diff at our hospitals through implementation of best practices.
CAUTI occurs when pathogens enter the body while a urinary catheter is in use. Limiting the use of urinary catheters to medically necessary situations, and inserting and removing the device under sterile conditions can significantly decrease the occurrence of CAUTI.
C-Diff occurs when a patient contracts the C-Diff bacteria. At Baptist Health, we emphasize the importance of washing hands, committing to cleaning and sterilizing hospital surfaces, and discouraging the overuse of antibiotics.
What You Can Do about Hospital-Associated Infections
As a patient, you too have a role to play in combating infections that originate in healthcare settings. According to the Center for Disease Control, you can:
Speak up. If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor or medical attendant.
Keep your hands clean. Washing hands remains one of the best ways to reduce germ transmission.
Get smart. Learn about antibiotics, and when it is appropriate to be taking them.
Know signs and symptoms. Be aware if your body is telling you of a potential medical issue.
Protect yourself. Some vaccinations, like flu shots, can benefit adults.