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Ergonomic Assessment
What is Ergonomic Assessment
Ergonomic assessments are studies of the bodily motions and behaviors associated with a person’s work or other activities. Assessments can help identify potential medical problems related to physical exertion and performance.
What Does an Ergonomic Assessment Accomplish?
An ergonomic assessment can generate recommendations for improving posture, safety, and performance of repetitive activities that might otherwise lead to injury or dysfunction.
What Should I Expect from an Ergonomic Assessment?
A physical therapist will:
- Conduct your evaluation
- Educate you on results
- Provide recommendations for improvement, and
- Aid in the identification and procurement of ergonomic products, as relevant.
What Are the Risks of an Ergonomic Assessment?
Ergonomic assessments carry no significant medical risks. Contact a Baptist Health physical therapy location to see if you're eligible for an ergonomic assessment.
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