High-Risk Breast Clinic in Paducah, KY

High-Risk Breast Clinic in Paducah, KY Health Talk Transcript
Kristen Williams, MD, General Surgery
Baptist Health Paducah
Katie Colgan, Paducah, Kentucky
Kristen Williams, MD:
Here at the High-Risk Breast Clinic, the patients we see are patients who have an increased risk of breast cancer. Usually, that falls into two categories: either a patient with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer found in genetic testing or a patient with a strong family history of breast cancer.
Katie Colgan:
I was sent to the High-Risk Breast Clinic after a conversation with my OB/GYN during my annual visit. It was brought to my attention that I would be a higher-risk patient for possibly getting a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in my life based on my family's history.
Kristen Williams, MD:
What's really nice about this clinic is its prevention. It's preventing women from getting breast cancer, and in those we can't prevent, it's catching it early so that patients are caught at a curable stage, and this isn't going to be something that negatively impacts their life long-term.
Katie Colgan:
My plan moving forward is to keep up my appointments at the High-Risk Breast Clinic. I will do a mammogram and then six months following do an MRI. Depending on those results, I will continue with that schedule, or I will be able to increase the distance between those appointments.
Kristen Williams, MD:
A lot of times these high-risk clinics are only located in large cities. Not all of our patients can travel 2 1/2 hours, twice a year for a mammogram, an MRI, and two clinic visits. This allows patients to get that same level of care here in Paducah.
Katie Colgan:
To have this clinic this close to home where women can be followed this closely is invaluable to this community.