July 18, 2018

Early Symptoms of Pregnancy: Weeks 1-8

Week By Week Pregnancy Symptoms

While ultrasounds and pregnancy tests can provide definitive results, many women experience early symptoms that lead to a rush of emotions. Before a missed period, some report increased sensitivity, fatigue, at times morning sickness or headaches.

How Early Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as four weeks following conception. Symptoms vary from woman to woman, and your second pregnancy may even have different symptoms or they may appear in a different order.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms by Week

Weeks 1-4

A missed period is the first pregnancy symptom most women encounter. However, there are many other symptoms of pregnancy that can surface around the fourth week after a missed period, including:

  • Bloating
  • Mild cramping
  • Spotting
  • Mood swings
  • Morning sickness
  • Fatigue

Week 5

Week five is a more common time for an expecting mother to find out she’s pregnant because her symptoms are intensified and it’s been five weeks since her last period. New symptoms include:

  • Sore breasts
  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea

Week 6

Symptoms during the 6th week of pregnancy may bring on the symptoms above, if they haven’t shown up yet, and with more intensity.

Week 7

In addition to intensifying the symptoms already being experienced, symptoms of the 7th week of pregnancy include:

Week 8

Signs and symptoms during the 8th week of pregnancy often include:

  • An increased sense of smell, often leading to nausea and 
  • Constipation as well as 
  • Vivid and bizarre dreams.

Confirm Your Pregnancy with Baptist Health

If you’re experiencing any combination of these symptoms, considering getting tested to confirm if you’re pregnant. Find a nearby Baptist Health OB/GYN today to confirm, monitor, and plan your pregnancy for the health and safety of you and your baby.

If you’re not pregnant, these symptoms likely indicate a condition that requires medical attention.

Learn More.
