December 19, 2024

Ways to Keep Calm During Your MRI Scan

Person lying calmly in an MRI machine

Understanding The MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging scans are safe and painless. They use powerful magnets and radio waves to create 3D images of tissues and structures in the body. However, they occur in a semi-enclosed space in a machine that makes loud noises as it works. Consequently, people with claustrophobia may have concerns about the procedure.

The good news is that you can take steps to minimize your discomfort. This article provides MRI tips, explaining how to get through an MRI with claustrophobia and make it a more pleasant experience, even if you don't have that condition.

Know What To Expect

An excellent first step to staying calm during an MRI is to learn about the procedure. You can find pictures of MRI machines and people undergoing the procedure online. It’s also helpful to know that these machines are loud, and the sounds you’ll hear during your procedure are normal.

Ask Questions To The Technologist

People often ask questions like “How long is an MRI scan?” and “Can I sleep during an MRI?” The person conducting your procedure will happily answer your questions based on the body part the machine will scan and other factors.

Preparation And Relaxation Techniques

If you’re concerned about your procedure, talking with your doctor is a good idea. They might recommend taking a sedative or anxiety medication before your MRI.

Here are some additional tips on how to relax during an MRI:

Wear Comfortable Clothing

You’ll change into a hospital gown before your procedure. Still, arriving for your appointment in comfortable clothes can help you feel more relaxed.

Listen To Music Or A Podcast

You’ll likely be able to listen to your favorite music or other audio content during your procedure. It’s best to choose something that calms and relaxes you.

Bring A Friend Or Family Member

Unlike X-rays, MRI scans don’t use radiation. Consequently, you may be allowed to have a friend or family member with you in the procedure room. They might even be able to hold your hand or rest a hand on your ankle outside of the machine.

During The MRI

If you feel anxious as the machine starts working, you can use some of the following MRI tips for staying still and remaining calm:

Focus On Your Breathing

Concentrate on the feeling of air coming in through your nose or mouth when you inhale and leaving as you exhale. Focusing on your breathing can take your mind off your worries.

Visualize A Peaceful Place

Imagine yourself at a location you associate with deep relaxation. That might be the beach, a forest or your favorite comfortable chair at home. Try to picture the setting in detail, including the sights, sounds and physical sensations.

Count Backward

Keeping your mind busy with any task can help lower your stress level. Counting backward works well.

Post-MRI Relaxation

Some people experience lingering stress after their procedure. If you do, you can use the techniques above to get back to a calm state. Exercising is another way to “shake off” any remaining MRI stress.

Reward Yourself

Getting through a situation you find stressful is cause for celebration. You can create some positive feelings by deciding in advance how you’ll reward yourself after your procedure.

Share Your Experience

Talking with friends and loved ones about your experience can be helpful in a couple of ways. First, it allows you to reflect on the event and release any residual stress. Explaining how you made it through an experience that created anxiety for you can also inspire others to get the medical procedures they need or face other stressful situations.

Whether you need medication before an MRI for anxiety or use the techniques above, you may be able to lower your stress and stay calm during the procedure.

Next Steps and Helpful Resources

Learn More About Imaging/Diagnostics
Find an Imaging/Diagnostics Location Near You
Get Information about Breast MRI
How Long Does an MRI Take?