September 24, 2019

Test Your Heart IQ With Our Heart Health Quiz

“The most powerful way to avoid heart disease is with a habit of daily physical activity and moderating portion sizes with meals,” said Tyler Richmond, MD, a Lexington cardiologist with Baptist Health Medical Group. Take this quiz to learn more.

True/False: Fiber can lower your risk of heart disease.

True/False: Taking an aspirin a day can help you avoid a heart attack.

True/False: Red wine lowers your risk of heart disease, so even if you’re a nondrinker you should pour a glass.

  1. True. Dietary fiber comes from grains, fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes that the body can’t fully digest. A fiber-rich lessen the risk of heart disease, so stock up.
  2. True. Aspirin helps prevent blood clots, which are the cause of most heart attacks. The American Heart Association recommends people who are high risk for heart attacks take a low-dose aspirin daily. (Consult your doctor first.)
  3. False. Research suggest that red wine may lower the risk of heart disease due to the flavonoids and antioxidants found in grapes. But if you’re not a drinker, don’t start. You get the same benefits by drinking a glass of grape juice or eating grapes.

Learn your heart’s biological age, your risk of heart disease and any harmful risk factors you may face by taking our heart-health assessment.

Learn More.
