Baptist Health Heart & Vascular Center in Corbin, KY

Personalized Care for Heart Failure
Amanda Brandon, PA-C, Cardiology
Baptist Health Corbin
Marvin Hausman, Williamsburg, Kentucky
Amanda Brandon, PA-C:
Candidates for the Heart Failure Clinic at Baptist Health Corbin are patients who have a historical or new heart failure diagnosis, [or] patients with known difficulties with either pumping or feeling functions of the heart. We provide a multitude of services for our patients. We have a nurse, pharmacist and a provider who evaluate the patient and use a team-based approach to find the individual’s needs.
Marvin Hausman:
They knew what my story was. They knew what to do. They knew what to look at. They asked all the right questions to figure out what my situation really was.
Amanda Brandon, PA-C:
Here at the Heart Failure Clinic, we are able to individually titrate and adjust medications. The same combination of medications isn't appropriate for every patient, and we take those factors into consideration. We use their vital signs, their blood work, even factors such as weight loss to determine what adjustments we might need to make for the patient, and that sometimes requires frequent visits. We utilize your visits to individualize your treatment.
Marvin Hausman:
Apparently, these heart drugs take time to work. You don't just start them and stop them. They keep a check on them. They see how they're doing. Do they need to be adjusted? This is good, but that's not so good, and we need to change this. Who else is going to do that stuff? Nobody else. These are the people who have worked with me and who have saved my life.