Hear this! Have you had your hearing tested?

You had your cholesterol screened and your blood pressure checked. You even (reluctantly) scheduled that six-month checkup at the dentist’s office. Good job – you’ve covered almost all of your bases.
If you haven’t had your hearing tested in more than a year, it’s time to make that appointment. Age-related hearing loss, or presbycusis, affects one-third of people between the ages of 65 and 75, and up to half of those older than 75, said Cathrine Stevenson, an audiologist at Baptist Health Madisonville. “They may have trouble distinguishing and understanding conversation, especially in a noisy setting,” Stevenson said.
A screening helps determine whether your hearing loss is treatable or permanent, said Baptist Health Audiologist Susan Driskill. “Modern technology in hearing aids can assist communication in all types of environments. Plus, hearing aids now have wireless and Bluetooth capabilities to communicate with television and cell phones.”
Learn more about Audiology at Baptist Health and make an appointment today.