September 03, 2024

The Role of Diet in Managing PCOS

Woman eating healthy salad

How Does Diet Help PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine (hormone) disorder affecting the reproductive system. Its name comes from the development of multiple cysts in the ovaries caused by the overproduction of hormones called androgens.

The condition can also cause irregular periods, weight gain, acne, and hirsutism (excessive hairiness) and can affect a person’s risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and endometrial cancer.

One way to address this condition is through lifestyle changes. Managing PCOS with diet modifications can be particularly effective.

Understanding the PCOS-Diet Connection

Diet can influence PCOS through the effects of insulin. Insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas that helps the body turn glucose (sugar) from food into energy. Some people develop insulin resistance, meaning their bodies don’t use insulin effectively.

In response, the body produces more of it to facilitate the glucose-to-energy conversion and maintain normal blood sugar levels. However, when insulin levels are too high, the ovaries produce excess androgens like testosterone.

Diets high in sugary and starchy foods (refined carbohydrates) can increase the risk of developing insulin resistance and the “chain reaction” that leads to or worsens PCOS.

Dietary Strategies for PCOS

At a high level, switching to a PCOS management diet includes the following:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat smaller portions more frequently
  • Increase the amount of high-fiber vegetables consumed
  • Eat lean proteins, like fish
  • Consume anti-inflammatory foods and spices, such as tomatoes and turmeric
  • Limit sodium intake
  • Avoid refined carbs like bread and muffins
  • Eliminate sugary snacks and drinks
  • Avoid fried foods
  • Avoid foods that promote inflammation, like processed and red meats

Putting Nutritional Dieting Into Practice

The great thing about using diet to manage PCOS is that you can implement changes immediately, experimenting with meals, snacks, and portion control practices to find what works for you.

Sample Meal Plan

Your doctor or nutritionist can discuss how to manage PCOS with diet and provide lists of foods that help reduce symptoms. For example, a small portion of chicken and a salad with red leaf lettuce, arugula, tomatoes, and green and red peppers with an olive oil dressing is a meal consisting entirely of PCOS-friendly foods.

You could follow it with some fresh strawberries and blueberries, which are also beneficial.

Healthy Snacking Tips

If you have PCOS, you should also snack on healthy foods. Some good options include an ounce of low-fat cheese with some snap peas, half a cup of cottage cheese with grape tomatoes, a helping of low- or no-sugar yogurt with a tablespoon of nuts, or a hard-boiled egg with some hummus and carrots.

Portion Control Strategies

Another aspect of PCOS and diet management is reducing portion sizes. Rather than eating three large meals daily, it’s better to eat small meals or snacks every three to five hours throughout the day.

Empower Yourself Through Your Diet

Managing PCOS through diet can help reduce your symptoms. In addition to learning how to manage PCOS with diet, exercise can be helpful. Getting 150 minutes of exercise per week can help reduce insulin resistance.

If you have questions about how to manage PCOS through diet, your Baptist Health physician is happy to answer them!

Next Steps and Useful Resources:

