October 10, 2024

What to Expect at the ER

Emergency Room Sign

Purpose of an Emergency Room

Many injuries and illnesses can be treated by a primary care physician at a scheduled visit. However, others require immediate attention, which is why the emergency room is there. This article provides helpful information on how emergency rooms operate and what to expect when you visit one.

Common Misconceptions About ER Visits

Some people are unfamiliar with the idea of going to the emergency room. They’ve never been to an ER for themselves or had to take someone who has a medical emergency. Consequently, they have questions like, “What is the emergency department?” and “How do emergency rooms work?”

To answer the first one, the emergency department, or emergency room, is a hospital area that provides immediate care to people experiencing serious medical issues. Information on emergency room processes is provided below.

It’s important to know that there are many misconceptions about emergency rooms. For example, some people believe that the emergency room is their only option when they need care right away. However, urgent care centers can see people who need prompt medical attention but can’t get in to see their primary care doctor and aren’t facing a life- or limb-threatening event.

Another common misconception is that you must have health insurance to go to the ER. In fact, federal law requires emergency rooms to provide care for serious medical issues, regardless of a person’s ability to pay.

So, if you experience severe pain, a high fever, trouble breathing, or an injury that threatens your life or limbs, you should get to an emergency room right away. If you’re unsure whether your condition requires an ER visit, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Arriving at the ER

If you experience a medical problem and need to go to the ER, getting there quickly is important. However, taking a minute or two to prepare for your visit is helpful if you can. For example, ensuring you have your insurance card (if you have health insurance) and any medications you take can help you get the care you need more efficiently.

How Does the ER Decide Who Goes First?

What does the ER do to ensure everyone gets the care they need promptly? They use a process called “triage.” Essentially, they prioritize people in the waiting area based on the severity of their condition. For example, someone experiencing a heart attack will be seen before a person with a broken arm.

Waiting Room Expectations: What to Expect and How to Prepare

When you arrive at the emergency room, a representative will ask about your symptoms and have you or someone with you complete some forms. Then, you’ll be seen by the care team as quickly as possible.

You might not be seen immediately for several reasons, including the arrival of patients with more serious medical conditions. In some facilities, those patients are brought in through a separate ambulance entrance.

Process of the ER Exam Room

How does an ER work, and what do ER doctors do once you’ve been taken to an exam room? That varies with the condition that brought you to the emergency room.

However, they generally start by getting your medical history and doing a physical exam. From what they learn, they diagnose your condition and start treating it. They may also order various tests (X-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests, etc.) to help with your diagnosis and treatment. How long does an ER visit take? That varies based on your injury or illness, how busy the ER is, and other factors. However, you can be sure the emergency room team is working efficiently to make your visit as brief as possible.

Discharge Instructions

Discharge instructions are the actions you need to take to continue your healing and recovery at home. The care team will review these with you and provide a written copy of what’s discussed. It’s crucial to hang on to and follow those instructions.

Prepare for Potential ER Visits

Nobody wants to visit the ER, but with some preparation, you can make the experience less stressful. For example, knowing where the nearest ER is to your home is essential. You should also have your insurance card and a list of your medications when traveling.

If you suffer a life- or limb-threatening injury or illness, it’s vital to get immediate medical attention. If you aren’t sure how severe your condition is, it’s safest to go to the ER.

Learn more about the types of care Baptist Health offers.

Next Steps and Useful Resources:

Learn More About Emergency Care at Baptist Health
Find an Emergency Room Near You
Choosing Urgent Care or the Emergency Room
Urgent & Emergency Care for Pediatrics

