April 03, 2020

Coronavirus: A New Challenge for Those with Mental Illness

The COVID-19 pandemic has touched all our lives more dramatically than we could have expected. And it’ll be a long time before we know the final toll on our collective mental health.

For most of us, the anxiety of the looming threat along with the unknown health and economic outcomes can be stressful and anxiety-producing. There are a variety of tactics to cope with coronavirus stress for most of us. 


20% of People in the U.S. Suffer from Mental Illness

What about the one in five Americans who suffer from mental illness? Experts say that for those with mental illnesses, it’s essential to continue treatment regimens. During isolation or quarantine, consider telehealth sessions with your provider. It’s also important to reach out to friends and family for support, by whatever means are available to prevent isolation from other personal contact. 

Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation, especially with modern technologies available to many of us. Connecting with our friends and loved ones, whether by high-tech connections or through simple phone calls, can help us maintain ties during stressful days ahead and we can support each other with the strength to weather the challenging road ahead.

Stay on Prescribed Medications

For anyone who’s worried about access to prescribed medications, ask your prescribing health care provider about getting a 90-day supply vs. a 60- or 30-day supply. If this isn’t possible, it’s critical to refill medications as soon as they’re allowed.

Continue Practicing Self-Care

Persons suffering from mental illness should put emphasis on providing a continued self-care program during this time. This is especially true with our high-risk population, as defined by the CDC. Self-care programs can be easily derailed with a myriad of distractions during these unprecedented times. Pay attention to emerging symptoms and reach out to family and friends. 

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We’re All in This Together

Everyone should be following the guidance of our local and state officials, complying with mandates and orders established for our collective health and well-being. We’ll get through this and in order to successfully get to the other side, we must all look out for one another.  

At Baptist, we focus on the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. Our behavioral health services provide care for individuals dealing with mental illness. With treatment plans tailored to meet each person’s needs, we help our patients understand and manage their conditions.


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American Psychiatric Association
National Alliance on Mental Illness

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