July 17, 2018

Full-Service Breast Cancer Center in Corbin

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The Breast Care Center at Baptist Health
Corbin is a full service breast center.

We have 3D screening mammography,
3D diagnostic mammography,

diagnostic ultrasound.
We do breast MRI here,

and if needed, breast MRI biopsies.
All image-guided procedures can be done

right here like the ultrasound-guided
biopsies, stereotactic biopsies,

and we can now do 3D-guided
biopsies in our office.

So no longer does a women need to drive
to Knoxville or Lexington to get

the breast imaging care
that they need.

We can do it right here. You know,
as a woman, it's easy to put things

off. For the moms or the caregivers,
it's easy to put our health last and take

care of everyone else first. You know,
I think we all understand, you know,

what can happen when we put things
off. And so, we just try very hard

to encourage people to come
in and get a yearly mammogram.

I think it'ss one of the
most important things

women can do for themselves
after the age of 40. It's just,

"Take care of yourself. Come in
and get a screening mammogram."

Early diagnosis just means more options
around the table for the patient.

It's less likely a patient would have
distant metastasis. Less likely that they

would need chemotherapy and the type
of surgical options could be much

less aggressive. So early detection is
critical. That's our goal here.

It's to try to find things as early as we
can, so that a breast cancer diagnosis is

more of a speed bump in a woman's
life and less of a roadblock.

♪ [music] ♪

Baptist Health Corbin: Full-Service Breast Cancer Center

The Breast Cancer Center at Baptist Health Corbin is a full-service breast center offering 3D mammograms, image-guided diagnostic procedures, and comprehensive treatment. We believe one of the most important things a woman can do is to put her health first: getting appropriate screenings is the best way to start. Learn more about the services and special amenities we offer.

Full-Service Breast Cancer Center HealthTalks Transcript

Francie Masters, MD, Radiology
The Breast Center at Baptist Health Corbin is a full-service breast center. We have 3D screening mammography, 3D diagnostic mammography, diagnostic ultrasound. We do breast MRI here, and if needed, breast MRI biopsies. All image-guided procedures can be done right here. I do ultrasound-guided biopsies, stereotactic biopsies, and we can now do 3D-guided biopsies in our office. So, no longer does a woman need to drive to Knoxville or Lexington to get the breast imaging care that they need. We can do it right here.

I think as a woman, it’s easy to put things off. We’re the moms. We’re the caregivers. It’s easy to put our health last and take care of everyone else first. I think we all understand what can happen when we put things off, so we try very hard to encourage people to come in and get a yearly mammogram. I think one of the most important things women can do for themselves after the age of 40 is to just take care of yourself, come in, and get a screening mammogram.

Early diagnosis just means more options are on the table for the patient. It’s less likely a patient would have distant metastasis, less likely that they would need chemotherapy. The type of surgical options could be much less aggressive. So, early detection is critical. That’s our goal here, to try to find things as early as we can so that a breast cancer diagnosis is more of a speed bump in a woman’s life and less of a roadblock.

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Breast Cancer

Over the course of a lifetime, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Are you at risk? Take this breast cancer risk assessment to estimate your 5-year and lifetime risk.