March 09, 2022

Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Corbin, KY

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Lung cancer is the number one cause of death
amongst all the other cancers that we see in our

population here in the United States.

And what's interesting about lung cancer, though,
is there are screening tools that we can use that

actually will help improve the treatment and the
detection so that our survival rates can be a lot

higher than what they are now.

Lung cancer screening, fortunately,
is painless, it involves no needles.

It involves going through a CAT scan and
taking pictures, basically, of your chest to look

at your lungs.

The benefits of that short procedure and
painless procedure are great for being able

to find cancer early.

You have to meet certain criteria
to be eligible for screening.

One is you have to be between age 55 and 74,
you have to have a smoking history that's

significant, for smoking about a pack
a day for approximately 30 years.

We want to make sure that the people of Corbin
and this area have easy access to these screening

services we offer right here in Corbin.

It's very easy to get to.

There's minimal wait time
to get these studies done.

They are very quick and easy procedures.

And because they are short, and they're painless,
and they don't require a lot of preparation to get

done, we can get you scanned pretty quickly
without having any issues and having to drive

far away to do that.

♪ [music] ♪

Baptist Health Corbin: Early Detection of Lung Cancer

Early detection of lung cancer can ensure patients get the adequate treatment they need. Learn more about how screenings at Baptist Health Corbin can help.

Early Detection of Lung Cancer in Corbin, KY HealthTalks Transcript

Kevin Croce, MD, Diagnostic Radiology:
Lung cancer is the number one cause of death among all the other cancers that we see in our population in the United States. What’s interesting about lung cancer, though, is there are screening tools that we can use that actually help improve treatment and detection, so that our survival rates can be a lot higher than what they are now.

Lung cancer screening, fortunately, is painless. It involves no needles. It involves going through a CAT scan and taking pictures of your chest to look at your lungs. The benefits of that short and painless procedure are great for being able to find cancer early. You have to meet certain criteria to be eligible for screening. One is you have to be between ages 50 and 80, and you have to have a smoking history that’s significant for smoking, about a pack a day for approximately 20 years.

We want to make sure that the people of Corbin and this area have easy access to the screening services we offer right here in Corbin. It’s very easy to get to, and there’s minimal wait time to get these studies done. They are very quick and easy procedures. Because they are short and they’re painless and don’t require a lot of preparation to get done, we can get you scanned pretty quickly without having any issues or having to drive far away.

Next Steps and Useful Resources

Find a Provider
Take Our Free Lung Cancer Risk Assessment
Know When to Get a Lung Screening
How Lung Cancer Feels – Unexpected Signs, Symptoms

Learn More.


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Know Your Risk

Choose an assessment and location before you begin.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a major health issue in the United States. This quick lung cancer risk assessment can help you identify your lung cancer risk factors and determine if a lung cancer screening is recommended for you.