June 14, 2022

Anti-Inflammatory Medicines for Treating Prostatitis

Anti-Inflammatory Medicines for Treating Prostatitis

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a type of drug that’s used to decrease fevers, reduce pain, and at higher doses, reduce inflammation. They’re used with a wide range of injuries and illnesses. One common condition where their ability to decrease inflammation is valuable is prostatitis. 

What Is Prostatitis?

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland in men that sits below the bladder. It produces the seminal fluid that feeds and transports sperm. 

Prostatitis is a condition that’s particularly common in men who are 50 or older. It produces swelling and inflammation in the prostate and results in difficult or painful urination. Prostatitis can also cause pain in the genitals, groin, or pelvic area and flu-like symptoms.

Prostatitis can develop gradually or suddenly and may improve on its own or only with treatment. If it persists for months or recurs frequently, it’s known as chronic prostatitis.

Why Are NSAIDs Prescribed for Prostatitis?

Prostatitis can be caused by a bacterial infection. If it is, the infection can be treated with antibiotics. However, in many instances, it isn’t caused by an infection. In that case, NSAIDs may be appropriate for inflamed prostate treatment. They help reduce inflammation and associated symptoms.  

What Are the Most Common Over-the-Counter NSAIDs

There are several over-the-counter (meaning you can buy them without a prescription) NSAIDs that can be used to reduce the symptoms of chronic prostatitis. Among the best anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are:

  • Aspirin. This NSAID is available as a single ingredient in products like Bayer® but can also be combined with others and found under brand names like Bufferin®, Excedrin®, Anacin®, and others.
  • Ibuprofen. Well-known products like Advil® and Motrin® contain ibuprofen. Your doctor may talk with you about ibuprofen and prostate inflammation.
  • Naproxen sodium. Aleve® is an NSAID that can be found in the pharmacy area of many stores. Your doctor may recommend naproxen for prostatitis.    

It’s important to talk with your doctor if you experience symptoms that you believe are caused by prostatitis. It shares symptoms with other conditions, so your doctor will want to rule them out. 

If it’s determined that you have prostatitis and an NSAID is the best medicine for an inflamed prostate in your case, you should follow the dosing instructions on the packaging and only deviate from them if directed by your doctor. 

And it should be noted that acetaminophen, which is found in products like Tylenol® and the same area of the store as the NSAIDs, is a pain reliever but not an NSAID.

Get Help with Prostatitis from Baptist Health

Prostatitis isn’t cancer, but our cancer care experts at Baptist Health can diagnose it and prescribe treatment. If it’s determined that you need an anti-inflammatory for prostatitis, they can recommend an OTC NSAID or prescribe one. 

Learn more about our cancer care services.  

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