Baptist Health Louisville encourages people with weakened immune systems to get a third shot

August 27, 2021

Third shots being administered at Baptist Health Louisville and Baptist Health Corbin.

Louisville, KY (August 26, 2021) – Baptist Health encourages people with weakened immune systems to get a third shot – sometimes referred to as a booster -- 28 days after their second dose, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Persons with compromised immune systems likely failed to respond fully to the vaccines or not at all due to their underlying health conditions.

COVID-19 third dose vaccines are now being scheduled and administered at two Baptist Health facilities at this time – Baptist Health Louisville and Baptist Health Corbin. To get this third dose, after your initial two doses of the fully FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine, go to to register and make an appointment at those locations. You will be asked to sign a form stating that your medical condition fits the criteria to receive a third dose of vaccine. Please bring your vaccination card.

Several pharmacies in the community are now offering a third shot. Check availability at for Kentucky or for Indiana.

At present, Baptist Health Louisville is only administering the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine between 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at its drive-thru vaccine clinic at the corner of Breckenridge Lane and Kresge Way. Appointments are available at The Pfizer vaccine can be given to those age 12 and up. A parent or guardian must be present for those under age 16.


Those who should receive a third shot include people being treated for tumors or blood cancers, organ transplant patients (including those who’ve received stem cell transplants in the last two years), those with diseases that damage the immune system, those with untreated or advanced HIV infection, those taking high-dose steroids and those with chronic medical conditions that can weaken immune response, such as chronic kidney disease.

People with a weakened immune system are more likely to become seriously ill from COVID-19. They are also more likely to transmit the virus to household members and to have breakthrough infections. In small studies, immunocompromised people have accounted for up to 44 percent of breakthrough cases.

This third shot is actually not considered a booster (although many refer to it as such), but part of the initial vaccine series for people who have failed to respond fully to the vaccines or not at all.

The one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine is not included in these recommendations at this time because of insufficient data about the protection provided by a second dose, according to the CDC.