Baptist Health Floyd, La Grange and Louisville to Postpone Elective Surgery and Elective Screening Exams
Louisville, KY, March 23, 2020
For at least the next month, Baptist Health Floyd, La Grange and Louisville will suspend elective screening exams beginning on Monday, March 23. Urgent and emergency diagnostic exams will still be performed.
The announcement comes on the heels of the eight-hospital system’s postponement of elective surgeries for 30 days. Both measures are designed to meet the rising demand for COVID-19 care and to conserve hospital resources.
Outpatient diagnostic radiology exams to be rescheduled include routine mammograms, low dose CT of the lung and abdominal aortic aneurysm. Other exams to be postponed – unless deemed medically necessary by the patient’s physician – include DEXA scan for osteoporosis, and multiple other ultrasound, MRI, and CT studies that are classified as routine follow-ups.
“This is a temporary measure designed to help the staff at each of our hospitals to continue to deliver quality care,” said Gerard Colman, Baptist Health CEO. “This will help ensure the safety of our patients and our staff, while conserving vital medical supplies.”
“We are confident that our physicians will thoughtfully review elective diagnostic imaging now scheduled for their patients and recommend which can wait until this public emergency has passed,” said Chuck Anderson, Chief Medical Officer of Baptist Health Louisville.
Elective procedures are defined as those that are necessary, but can be delayed for 30 days without significant risk or harm to the patient.
Urgent cases will generally include procedures that cannot wait 30 days without significant risk to the patient, but in each case will ultimately be determined by the judgment of the physicians in cooperation with medical staff leadership at each facility.
Emergency cases are those that could result in the loss of life, limb or organ, or permanent disability if postponed, so these will be done as they always have been — as quickly as possible.
Patients affected by this change will be contacted by the hospital or their physician office, and given further guidance.