Baptist Health Corbin Chalks the Walk for Suicide Awareness Month
September 11, 2019
Baptist Health Corbin hosted Chalk the Walk to raise awareness for our friends, family and co-workers who are battling a mental health condition.
September 8-14 is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week. This year Baptist Health not only chalked the walks around the hospital but expanded to downtown in NIBROC park. Inspirational messages and drawings lined the sidewalks all around the hospital as well as through NIBROC park.
Too often the feelings of shame and stigma prevent those in need from seeking medical help. Let us help connect individuals with the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention and hear stories in an effort to bring light to suicide prevention. If you are having suicidal thoughts, let us help you. Baptist Health Corbin's helpline is available to answer questions 24/7. Call 800-395-4435 to take the first step in finding help. You are not alone.