Project Fit Launched at Pleasant View Elementary School

October 30, 2017

Project Fit America (PFA) is a national public charity organized for the sole purpose of creating and donating innovative Fitness in Education programs to schools.

Project Fit America (PFA) is a national public charity organized for the sole purpose of creating and donating innovative Fitness in Education programs to schools.  The PFA program is donated to schools working with an area healthcare partner in exchange for their commitment to integrate the program into their existing school structure.  The children’s improvements are tracked for a two-year term through pre and post tests administered each fall and spring.  Pleasant View Elementary School is the latest school that Project Fit will be implemented.  The opening day celebration was held on October 27th with a dedication and fitness demonstration with students.  Baptist Health Foundation Corbin has donated equipment to seven other schools including Corbin Intermediate School, Corbin Middle School, Lynn Camp Elementary School, Williamsburg Independent School, Wyan Pine Elementary School, Oak Grove Elementary and London Elementary School.

Program components donated to the schools include state-of-the-art outdoor, above ground fitness equipment; indoor fitness equipment, mentor teacher and training, a comprehensive Core Curriculum for the PE teacher, and Lesson Plan support materials.  These resources become the permanent property of the school and are used to create fitness activities that every student will be excited to participate.  For more information, go to